Friday, March 14, 2008

maybe i should post before i go.

Leaving for Ecuador next week. It's been a bit stressful thinking about the trip. Mainly because I have to know and plan everything. But, once I get there, I'm sure acceptance will set in.

Unfortunately, this is the rainy season in and around Quito, and this year, apparently due to El Nino they are having much more than usual. I have been communicating with one climb operator in particular, but there is no resolution yet, so I will be checking in with him and others when I get there. Me being me, I don't want to waste my money on something that does not have a reasonable chance of succeeding.

I'm doing my best to change my perspective and expectations, going with an open mind to what ever this trip my offer. Even boredom? Well, that would be my own damn fault, wouldn't it.

always before a trip like this, there is foreboding.

But I will come back, and then go on to the next thing.

We've had a few good days here, as the weather changes. Was hoping to get out to the Gorge one more time, but doesn't look like it's going to happen. Being an Oregonian now, you'd think I'd finally learn to enjoy hiking in the rain and drizzle.

Robby and I did get out to Angel's Rest last Sunday. Nice day. Always like getting up to this view -- giving me a chance at perspective and peace....

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